Endless Update (0.3)



  • Endless mode: continue your runs indefinitely with an updated set of rules!
  • Sigourney's Codex: new menu accessible from once you've rescued her. Currently, it only shows very few and simple stats - more will come later on!
  • Co-op rooms: Improved the menu to join games. You can now see all ongoing sessions. You can also set a specific difficulty so that players can only join if they have unlocked it. Only the creator of the session can now change the difficulty mode.
  • Gears: new visuals for the Ultra Laser Trinket and the Hibiki's Umbrella Weapon
  • Thrift shop: added a new Permanent Upgrade that allows you to upgrade your gear and reroll affixes at the main shops Version
  • Fungal Swamp: new Infected Tri-Bomber Miniboss that is much more dangerous Version
  • Added the possibility to duplicate an existing save Version
  • Weapons: Goo Brush: Alterattack now throws an exploding goo drop Version
  • Improved the save sytem in single player mode: you can now always resume your saved expedition.
    If the game has been updated since your save, you'll return at the start of the biome you were in. Otherwise, you'll resume exactly where you left off. Version
  • LD: New Elite arenas Version

Endless Mode

  • Unlocked through a new Permanent Upgrade at Eperin
  • When finishing a run, you'll then have the option to launch a new harder loop
  • This mode comes with new rules, so you can break the game:
    - You have a lot more Gift slots
    - Stat limits are greatly increased (mainly, Trinkets max refill speed and Weapons max attack speed)
    - Weapons and Trinkets can scale infinitely
  • Each loop is harder, with more enemies and stronger scaling. Starting loop 6, enemies also have increased speed and an increasing resistance to crow control effects.
  • Try to reach the highest loop possible! A reward might appear somewhere, but who knows...
  • This mode comes with a new achievement: "Complete an Endless loop"


  • Environment: Doors at the end of a run now prevent you from leaving without taking the Game Difficulty pickup
  • Interactives: you can now interact with all of them during combat, except the ones opening UIs (e.g. Gift Givers, NPCs)
  • Made some effect descriptions clearer
  • UI: clarified some options in the Pause menu
  • Gameplay: added a slight delay to enable flask dropping after interacting with an object Version
  • UI: Inventory: cannot switch equipment slots while in a giver menu Version
  • UI: made the reroll button clearer Version
  • LD: Incubator now has a banking fish at the end, to better feedback the fact that you'll keep your loots. Also added a dedicated island for the end-of-run skin drops. Version
  • Co-op: UI: prevent opening the chat window by clicking on it in the middle of a fight (click is fully disable, you need to use keyboard or gamepad) Version 0.3.2
  • Affixes: made it clearer that the "bounce" affix does not apply to Alterattacks Version 0.3.2


  • Changed how Base Damage was calculated. It is now equal to the damage done before any modification, instead of just ignoring Weapon/Trinket levels, which led to many possible exploits.
  • Magifishes: the Trampoline damage calculation has been changed in multiplayer. Damage bonuses continue to apply, but up to a damage cap (based on the target and its max health)
  • Economy: increased the price of giver rerolls in multiplayer
  • Gifts: Midas bonus value is now reduced to 2% (from 5%) after reaching a +200% total bonus
  • Gifts: Upgrading Crystallize bonus value is now reduced to 1% (from 2%) after reaching a +200% total bonus
  • Gifts: Echo damage increased from 105% to 125% to compensate for the damage calculation fix
  • Gifts: Critical Echo has been clarified and now has a +50% damage bonus to compensate for the damage calculation fix
  • Gifts: Shield Hex now gives 1200 Shield (from 500) Version
  • Trinkets: Leafade's cooldown now last for 2 sec longer (12 sec instead of 10 sec) Version
  • Magifishes: all cooldowns now last for longer (3 min instead of 2 min) Version
  • Weapon: Goo Brush: increased mobility and range of combo attacks. Goo is applied on all of its hits. Finisher's goo last longer. Version
  • Economy: more jars/small enemies will drop Shells when destroyed Version
  • Goo degressive coefficients take more time to reset Version
  • Weapons: Shield: enemies will now interrupt some non offensive actions to attack you when you hold it Version
  • Gifts: Cursed Replication now directly damages enemies instead of launching projectiles - this will improve the experience with the gift by a lot in Endless Mode Version
  • Gifts: Echo damage increased from 105% to 125% to compensate for the damage calculation fix Version
  • Gifts: Critical Echo has been clarified and now has a +50% damage bonus to compensate for the damage calculation fix Version
  • Weapons: EyeBlade & Hibiki's Umbrella: added extra i-frames on their Alterattack Version 0.3.2
  • Elites: the 2 rotating lasers in high difficulties are now much closer to each other Version 0.3.2


  • Weapons: Fixed Fiery Claws movements in some cases
  • Enemies: Fixed enemies behaviour when killed during a dash over a gap
  • Trinkets: fixed Leafade effect being consumed by some hits with no damage
  • Trinkets: fixed Leafade being able to have a Scythe affix
  • Trinkets & Magifishes: Fixed not being able to use them next to interactive elements in some cases
  • Localization: Fixed the Cyrillic alphabet font that had some weird looking characters
  • Localization: Fixed the "Trinket Up" localization in Spanish and German
  • Environment: Fixed some decoration objects being incorrectly positioned
  • Environment: Fixed culling not working on some very large chunks
  • SFX: Fixed muffled sound effect not deactivating when leaving secret zone
  • VFX: Fixed a bug on VFX update causing minor performance problems in multiplayer
  • Online: Fixed display of friends' sessions in multiplayer menu
  • UI: Fixed pause menu and inventory not accessible when a tutorial UI is shown which could lead to softlocks (e.g. Alterattack or Crystallize unlocking)
  • UI: Fixed startup message being truncated
  • UI: Fixed item's labels being shown when an enemy was close by
  • Gameplay: fixed heal flask being dropped when interacting with a Gift Giver or other similar objects Version
  • UI: fixed position marker showing up on unbought stuff behind payment gates Version
  • UI: fixed the number of expeditions in UI (Saves menu and Codex) Version
  • Death: fixed lost Cogs and Memories not pilling up correctly Version
  • Weapons: fixed Beatbolt's Alterattack sometimes missing after using the Leafade trinket Version
  • Gifts: fixed some Gifts not launching when chaining Crystallize Version
  • Magifishes: fixed some instances were enemies could attack from inside the Gobbling Fish Version
  • Enemies: fixed rare case were a grab would be interrupted Version
  • Enemies: fixed some cooldowns never coming off after being Frozen Version
  • Affixes: fixed permanent damage that could be gained on dummies Version
  • VFX: fixed Head miniboss laser VFX disappearing when frozen Version
  • UI: HUD: fixed item description not showing up if camera is too far away but you are close to it Version
  • UI: Bug Reporter: fixed opening outside of Pause Menu when using Mouse Version
  • Localization: fixed some Russian texts Version
  • Loading: fixed possible crash when generating terrain deformation Version
  • General: fixed some teleports being cancelled by dashes Version
  • Gifts: fixed Boost Stock issue with multiple elites and in the final boss fight Version
  • Weapons: fixed potential crash when using the Anchor Boom for a looooong time Version
  • Weapons: Kunai: fixed held attack being played 3 time in a row when button was held long enough Version
  • UI: Interactives: fixed UI showing up in the middle of a fight Version
  • General: you can no longer die while interacting with a Giver Version
  • Multiplayer: players can no longer teleport to another player in the secret shop Version
  • Weapons: Goo Brush: fixed combo hits not hitting targets on the sides Version
  • Damage zones are now correctly destroyed when killing Pirate MiniBoss Version
  • Challenges: fixed their behaviour with the Incubator biome Tentacles Version
  • Path Choices: fixed rare situation with 2 players were you could lock yourselves Version
  • General: fixed rare situation where players could not progress to the next biome when one player was interacting with something else Version
  • Gifts: fixed the damage calculation of Blast and Echo effects (damage bonuses could be applied twice) Version
  • Fixed softlock when using Ravenblade's Alterattack over gates before minibosses / bosses Version
  • Gifts: healing SFX and VFX will no longer trigger when you are at the max HP value the effect can heal Version
  • Keyboard & Mouse: fixed mouse targetting wrong target from time to time (was often not priorizing proximity to the cursor) Version
  • Keyboard & Mouse: fixed mouse position used by the targetting system having 1 frame of delay Version
  • Keyboard & Mouse: fixed emotes having 1 frame of delay Version
  • UI: fixed hand cursor being shown on startup instead of the default arrow Version
  • Fixed Boost blocking navigation if spawned on a small platform Version
  • Projectiles: fixed flat projectiles only hitting big targets one time if thrown right in the middle (was especially happening with the Boomerang weapon) Version
  • Weapons: Shield: fix some issues when deflecting projectiles Version
  • Weapons: Boomerang: fixed not being able to launch the Alterattack when the projectile comes back if you triggered another Alterattack during the flight Version
  • Mushroom Miniboss now teleport players in its arena if attacked from outside Version
  • UI: fixed auto scroll not working well in some menus Version
  • Gameplay: fixed teleportation glitch where you would instantly go way above the platform you were on while dashing between islands (thanks soooo much for the in-game reports, it helped A LOT that one!) Version
  • Gameplay: fixed another teleportation glitch where you were using Crystallize (same, without the report this one would have remained thx!) Version
  • Loots: fixed enemies dropping gear way above the ground and is thus unreachable Version
  • LD: Factory: fixed having a huge metal rail in the middle of an arena randomly (rare) Version
  • Visuals: fixed floating rat house in Rat Village biome Version
  • Weapons: Beatbolt: fixed Alterattack hitting other targets out of screen Version
  • Weapons: fixed distant weapons using cqc Crystallize animations Version
  • Softlock: Crystallize: fixed using without any weapon equipped would lead to not being able to launch any other action (nice catch!) Version
  • Softlock: Detonado: fixed being stuck in an arena after using it on a Pirate Sword enemy (he was actually teleported and reaching the edge of the world!) Version
  • Enemies: the Headbanger pillars will no longer sometimes be stuck in the air Version 0.3.1
  • Trinkets: fixed some interactions between Detonado and enemy dashes Version
  • Graphics: fixed weird red lines showing up when using Fiery Claws or when facing Gundog Firethrower Alpha variant Version 0.3.2
  • Soft lock: fixed rare cases where dashes could traverse closing doors, softlocking you Version 0.3.2
  • Pickup: fixed not being able to collect if too close of a wind teleporter Version 0.3.2
  • Pickup: fixed not being able to equip a Gift pickup during combat even if the player has available slots Version 0.3.2


  • Improved performances when many effects are launched at the same time
  • Improved performance of several Gifts
  • Improved performance of AIs and loots
  • Audio engine optimizations
  • Reduced amount of physics computations made by projectiles Version


  • Updated FMOD audio library Version

Shield Weapon Update

  • Weapons: Shield: now absorbs 90% of the damages instead of 100% Version
  • Weapons: Shield: blocking a hit will reflect most damage on the enemy Version
  • Weapons: Shield: parry window duration +50% Version
  • Weapons: Shield: parry will automatically trigger if you JUST pressed the button upon being hit Version
  • Weapons: Shield: parry attack can now be targeted on a different enemy than the one parried Version
  • Weapons: Shield: new Alterattack which spawns a rotating floating shield around you that can protect from a hit OR be used to deal damage Version
  • Weapons: Shield: having the Shield in-hand (by being the last weapon used) now reduces all melee and projectile damages by 33% Version