DOOM Eternal: NVIDIA DLSS and Ray Tracing Upgrade Available Now For GeForce RTX Gamers

Thanks to the RT Cores and Tensor Cores of GeForce RTX GPUs, GeForce gamers have enjoyed spectacular ray-traced graphics, and accelerated frame rates to previously unimaginable levels with the critically acclaimed NVIDIA DLSS. Over 70 RTX games have been released or updated with support for these and other NVIDIA technologies, and today DOOM Eternal gets its own RTX enhancements.

This new RTX upgrade, available now, gives GeForce gamers a DOOM Eternal experience that is second to none, with blazing fast frame rates courtesy of NVIDIA DLSS, and gorgeous ray traced reflections that enhance the DOOM Slayer’s campaign. Visual effects and their lighting reflects, enemies and scenery are accurately reflected, and players experience a superior level of image quality that further improves DOOM Eternal’s award-winning gameplay, while engrossing them with the increased dynamism delivered by ray tracing.

Ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS combine to deliver the highest levels of fidelity and performance in our DOOM Eternal RTX video, captured on a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti

DOOM Eternal’s RTX Upgrade Available Now

id Software and Bethesda Softworks’ DOOM Eternal launched last year to critical acclaim and the adoration of fans who can’t get enough of the franchise’s fast-paced action, spectacular visuals, and amazing gameplay. Powered by idTech, id’s incredibly fast game engine, DOOM Eternal is pushing the visual boundaries even further by adding Khronos Vulkan ray-traced reflections and performance-accelerating NVIDIA DLSS.

Ray-Traced Reflections

With the power of ray tracing, id Software has upgraded DOOM Eternal’s campaign and expansions. Now, virtually all metallic surfaces and objects realistically reflect their environment, as do bodies of water and other materials with reflective properties. See the DOOM Slayer reflected, along with demons and weapons fire, and enjoy gameplay enhanced with realistic reflections that further immerse you in the action.

Below, we’ve assembled examples of ray-traced reflections in action - click each to load interactive comparisons comparing RTX ON and RTX OFF.


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: In many locations, ray-traced reflections are combined with screen space reflections in a hybrid solution for optimum image quality and performance. This scene demonstrates the added off-screen detail that ray-traced reflections can add - now, the ceiling and occluded detail is rendered, adding greatly to image quality


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: Reflections are applied to both transparent and opaque surfaces, and are capable of reflecting both friendly and enemy weapon fire and impacts


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: In Earth-bound locales, transparent ray-traced reflections enhance glass and windows. And in cutscenes, the DOOM Slayer’s visor


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: Ray-traced reflections are detailed and extremely accurate, as on this broken shop front window


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: Ray-traced reflections enhance virtually all materials with reflective properties, including these health pickups


Click to load a 4K full screen comparison: Realistic reflections improve the appearance of the DOOM Slayer, when seen in cutscenes and in third-person in the Photo Mode

To enable ray tracing, update to the latest GeForce Game Ready Driver, grab the newest DOOM Eternal update, and in the game’s video options simply toggle on “Raytracing”.


NVIDIA DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) is a groundbreaking AI rendering technology that increases graphics performance using dedicated Tensor Core AI processors on GeForce RTX GPUs. NVIDIA DLSS taps into the power of a deep learning neural network to boost frame rates and generate beautiful, sharp images for your games.

In DOOM Eternal, a highly performant game, DLSS is best used in conjunction with the oh-so-pretty ray-traced reflections, to improve upon the game’s already trademark lightning-fast performance.

When activated, NVIDIA DLSS accelerates performance by up to 60% at 4K, enabling virtually every GeForce RTX GPU to exceed 60 FPS with ray tracing enabled, and all settings cranked to their max:

When applying graphics presets like “Ultra Nightmare,” enabling ray tracing for GPUs with 8 GB or 6 GB frame buffers requires enabling DLSS and adjusting the texture pool size to fit within allocated memory. This change is nearly transparent on image quality

Bethesda’s DOOM Eternal GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Demon Slayer Bundle

Our friends at Bethesda Softworks and id Software have put together a very limited DOOM Eternal bundle that gamers in North America and Europe can potentially get their hands on. Included is our new flagship graphics card, the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, an exclusive Titanium DOOM Slayer mini statue, an exclusive Titanium DOOM Eternal-GeForce RTX t-shirt, an exclusive DOOM Eternal mouse pad, a DOOM Eternal PC game code, and $100 of Bethesda Store credit!

Here’s how the bundle works:

  • Head on over to the Bethesda Store (North American Store or European Store) by July 6, 2021 11:59 PM (MST)
  • Register to enter the GPU bundle lottery
  • Wait and see if you’re selected

If your name’s picked from the hat, you’ll have a limited time to confirm that you want to buy the bundle. If you pass, your spot will go to someone else. Good luck!

Summer of RTX Adds DOOM Eternal GPU Backplates To The Prize Pool

This Summer is filled with gaming announcements, big releases (including DOOM Eternal’s RTX upgrade), and tons of other goodness. To celebrate, NVIDIA is giving away prizes aplenty, such as GeForce RTX graphics cards, GeForce RTX laptops, game codes, and much more.

To celebrate DOOM Eternal’s RTX upgrade, we’re adding something special to the prize pool: customized GeForce RTX 3070, 3080 and 3080 Ti graphics cards featuring DOOM Eternal backplates and support brackets from V1Tech.

For a chance to win:

  • Follow our social channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for key prompts and instructions
  • Like/comment/tag/share posts across social
  • Use #RTXOn across any post throughout Summer
  • Be on the LOOKOUT for our BONUS prizing GeForce RTX AMP-Meter

Optimize Your Experience In DOOM Eternal With Our Newest Game Ready Driver

To optimize gameplay in DOOM Eternal be sure to download and install our latest GeForce Game Ready Driver. It includes our latest performance improvements, compatibility optimizations, and other tweaks, giving you smooth, fast gameplay in every title. And our most recent driver, available from GeForce Experience and our website, includes specific optimizations for DOOM Eternal’s RTX upgrades. Download now.

RTX Momentum Continues

Each month more games and applications add RTX technologies. And with the release of engine plugins and NVIDIA SDKs, it’s easier than ever for developers to hop on board. Over 130 games and apps include ray tracing, NVIDIA DLSS, or AI features, and there are many more implementations waiting in the wings to be announced and released in the coming weeks and months.

As always, stay tuned to for further details.

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