Brooms? Check! Robes? Check! Pre-Order? Check! You’ll find yourself on the pitch in just two short days when #QuidditchChampions releases on September 3rd! #backtohogwarts Pre-order the Standard or Deluxe Edition now on Xbox, Steam, & Epic Games Store to earn the Firebolt Supreme Broom Skin. For PlayStation Plus* members, the Standard edition of #QuidditchChampions and the Firebolt Supreme Broom Skin will be available as a redeemable pack from 3 – 30th September 2024. Pre-Order Now: *Monthly games accessible for duration of PS Plus subscription only. PS Plus is an ongoing subscription with recurring fees until canceled. Age restrictions apply. Full terms: usageterms Always be the first to get #QuidditchChampions news at #QuidditchChampions #HarryPotter #WizardingWorld #wbgames