Hello, Survivors!
We're shaking things up on the Battlegrounds this month with a brand-new mode, new content, and other major updates coming this patch!
This month's patch will be rolled out on Feb. 10, and the Battlegrounds will be closed for maintenance starting 01:00 (UTC+0) as we get everything updated!
Get a quick glance in the Patch Note overview video, and check out the full patch notes below!
New Mode: Round Deathmatch
Round Deathmatch is a new 4v4 deathmatch mode where the first team to win 4 out of 7 rounds wins the match.
- The two teams will battle it out in the Arena, Round Deathmatch's first map!
- The Playzone will be restricted from the start of the match and set randomly around the center of the map.
- In Phase 2, the Playzone will be near the Care Package in the center of the map.
- The last remaining team (regardless of number) will win the round. The first team to win 4 rounds will be crowned the winners of the match!
- Round Deathmatch has the same default weapon presets as Team Deathmatch.
- At the start of each round, you will be able to select the weapon preset you want.
- You will also start each round with 1 grenade, 1 smoke grenade, and 1 flash grenade.
- Additionally, a Deployable Shield: Wide Type will be prepared at the entrance of your base.
- Just like in Battle Royale mode, you will be knocked when you reach 0 HP rather than dying immediately.
- If you die, you can spectate your surviving team members' gameplay until the next round.
- The time it takes to revive a knocked-down team member has been reduced to 5 seconds.
- The Groza, the AUG, or the P90 will randomly spawn every round on top of the Care Package in the center of the map.
In Round Deathmatch, you can train not just your gunplay but your movement and positioning based on the locations of the Playzone as well.
Tip: Cooperation, using available cover and throwables strategically, and positioning will help your team get that Chicken Dinner
Team Deathmatch Rework
- The Team Deathmatch map "Station" has been revamped.
- The map has been widened to create more diverse engagement situations.
- Additionally, underutilized routes and objects that provide cover have been greatly improved.
- Players who die 4 consecutive times without getting any kills will be provided with a Lv. 3 helmet and Lv. 3 body armor at their next respawn.
- In this situation, you will receive Lv. 3 body armor at every respawn until you get a kill.
- The Team Deathmatch interface has been revamped.
- The design of the top-screen UI that displays match information has been changed.
- The loading screen will show additional information about your allies and opponents.
- At the end of the match, an overall match results window with the kill scores of both your allies and opponents will appear.
- The pop-up message alerting players of kill streaks has been improved.
- System messages will now display information about the status and progress of the match.
- System messages that display alerts about player activity have been added.
- An alert when a kill streak of 5 is reached has been added.
- The Ace system message will appear when a player is the first to achieve 8 and 16 kills in a match.
- The equipment method for Deathmatch gun presets has been improved.
- Selecting an attachment will equip it immediately. When reselected, it will immediately be removed.
- A guide on detailed preset settings has been added to the Team Deathmatch map settings screen.
- The BP rewards acquired from playing Team Deathmatch has been doubled.
- You can queue for both Round Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch by selecting both maps under Multiple Selections in the Map Settings.
New Weapons and Weapon Updates
- New Weapon: MP5K
- The MP5K is a 9mm SMG that can be equipped with any attachment.
- The MP5K will spawn in Troi, Erangel, and the Training Ground.
- With easy recoil control, the MP5K offers a balanced performance in close-quarters combat.
- New Weapon: Crossbow
- The Crossbow deals high damage as a silent ranged weapon but has very low reload speed.
- The Crossbow will spawn in Troi, Erangel, and the Training Ground.
- When equipped with a crossbow-specific attachment, the reload speed is increased by 25%.
- Bolts will spawn on the field and can also be purchased in the Drone Store.
- Crossbow customizations will be revealed in the future, so please stay tuned!
- DSR-1 Update: New Reload Feature Added
- A reload feature specific to the DSR-1 has been added.A feature that will enable the ability to use the DSR-1's backup magazine has been added.
- After you've used 5 bullets, you can reload quickly by using 5 spare bullets in the backup magazine.
- You must reload twice to reload both magazines. Tapping [Reload] once will reload the main magazine, and tapping [Reload] again will reload the backup magazine.
New Gun Customizations
- M249 [C2] Ballistic Shield
- A new customization is now availble for the M249.
- With the Ballistic Shield customization, attachable shields will be mounted on the left and right sides of the HandGuard.
- The attachable shields blocks enemy fire and cannot be destroyed.
- The ADS speed is slightly decreased.
- MP5K [C1] Laser Sight
- With the Laser Sight customization, the MP5K will be equipped with a laser sight on the rail's left side.
- The ammunition rate when firing from the hip or shoulder has been increased.
- Horizontal recoil control is slightly decreased.
New Feature: Co-op Revive/Recruit
You can now revive a teammate or recruit enemy players more quickly with Co-op Revive/Recruit.
- The Co-op Revive/Recruit function lets up to 3 team members revive a teammate or recruit an enemy player together more quickly than before.
- The more teammates you have helping you revive or recruit someone, the less time it will take to revive/recuit them.
- 1 Teammate Helping to Revive/Recruit → 10 seconds (Base)
- 2 Teammates Helping to Revive/Recruit → 6 seconds (decreased up to 4 seconds)
- 3 Teammates Helping to Revive/Recruit → 4 seconds (decreased up to 6 seconds)
- The Co-op Revive/Recruit function will also let teammates who are reviving/recruiting swap with another teammate.
- As long as 1 team member is still reviving/recruiting, the revive/recruit process will continue until completion.
- When using Co-op Revive/Recruit, the Co-op Revive/Recruit UI and progress bar will appear.
Reticle Customization
You can now customize the shape and color of reticles for certain scopes in the Settings menu.
- Crosshair Color: Choose from 9 basic colors or use the RGB color picker to further customize the color!
- Reticle Shape: Choose from a range of reticles specific to the scope.
- The following scopes/reticles can be customized:
- Reticle Shape/Color:
- Red Dot Sight (6 reticles styles available)
- Viper A-spec Sight (5 reticles styles available)
- Reticle Color:
- Basic Crosshair
- 2x Scope
- 3x Scope
Survivor Pass Vol. 4
Survivor Pass Vol. 4 is now available!
- The protagonist of Volume 4 is Mayhem's Doug Bikerway. Complete all the story missions to get all the costumes and character skins for free.
- Upgrade to the Premium Pass to receive the Imperial Guard Costume Set. Purchasing the Premium Plus+ Pass will allow you to instantly receive even better rewards.
- If you purchase the Premium Pass and reach a certain pass level, the NC you used in the purchase will be returned.
New Survivor Pass Badge Feature
Your Survivor Pass badge information will now be displayed with your nickname so that you can check Survivor Pass progress at a glance!
- For every 10 levels obtained through the Survivor Pass, the pass badge will grow by one tier.
- EX: Pass Level 1-10 → Tier 1
- EX: Pass Level 41-50 → Tier 5
- The badge designs for the Premium Pass and the Premium Plus+ Pass have been changed to a more special design.
Store: Gift System
You can now purchase items in the NC Store as gifts for a friend.
- Crates on sale will be sold as Crate Tickets in the NC Store during the sale period.
Battle Royale Maps
- Overall
- Troi (Overall)
- The overall lighting and color of Troi have been improved to decrease eye strain.
- Movement of vehicles and players on certain terrain has been improved.
- Troi (BR: EXTREME)
- The Playzone location has been randomized more and can now appear in the outskirts of Troi.
- The Blue Zone speed as been increased by 20 seconds, and one more final phase has been added.
- Players will have the P1911 unholstered upon landing at the start of the match.
- Erangel
- Additional items will spawn in trenches all over Erangel.
Green Flare Gun Redeployment Rework
- Players who are redeployed through a Green Flare Gun will now be armed before being dropped into the Battlegrounds.
- The following items will be provided:
- P1911
- 30 .45 ACP bullets
- 1 smoke grenade
- Players will have the P1911 unholstered upon landing.
- This rework will apply for all Battle Royale modes (BR: Original, BR: EXTREME).
- Also, players can maneuver the parachute when being redeployed.
- Players can control their landing within a 130m radius from where the Green Flare Gun was fired.
Drone Store Update
The selection range of drone delivery coordinates has been greatly expanded.
- The map UI zoom-in range has also been increased in order to select delivery coordinates more precisely.
- Delivery coordinates up to 200m away can be chosen, giving you more freedom to deliver items to your teammates who are far away.
Weekly Challenges Update
Weekly Challenges are now available as fixed Weekly Events.
- Each week, if you play on a total of 5 different maps (including the newly-added Round Deathmatch: Arena), you will receive 3 Chicken Medals.
Action & Gunplay Improvements
- Scope Bode Button Pre-input Feature
- Pressing the scope mode button while drawing a gun will immediately put you in scope mode once the gun is fully drawn.
- Increased Smoke Grenade Spread
- The range of the smoke screen spread when a smoke grenade is used has been expanded by about 10%.
Vehicle Updates
- Decreased Vehicle Durability
- The durability of some vehicles has been decreased.
- Vrion: 1300 → 1200
- UAZ: 1200 → 1150
- Volta: 900 → 850
- Dacia: 900 → 850
- The durability of doors for all vehicles has been reduced by about 50%.
- Riding shots are no longer possible when the vehicle door is destroyed. The range of riding shots is limited to the width of the door.
- Reduced Vehicle Crash Damage
- Vehicle crash damage has been reduced by about half.
- At speeds below 70 km, you will take less than 100 HP in damage and not die instantly.
- Improved Vehicle Boarding
- Vehicle boarding has been improved to make it easier to board moving vehicles that are moving at low speeds.
- Trunk Improvements
- A specific sound has been added that will trigger when the trunk is being used. Players can now be alerted when items are being carried in the trunk by this sound.
- The weight of the items loaded in the Trunk will be displayed on the Trunk button.
- Electron: Vehicle Driving Sound Volume
- The volume of the Electron's driving sounds has been increased.
The Clan System has undergone major updates. More clan-related features and updates will be continuously rolled out in the future, so stay tuned!
- Recommended Clans Changes
- From the recommended clan list, players will first be recommended to clans with a clan master whose country is the same as the player's.
- Clan lists can now be checked by filtering sign-up methods.
- Clan Emblems
- Clan emblems can be set by the clan master on the [Create Clan/Manage Clan] screens. The symbol, background, and color can all be customized.
- Clan emblems can be seen on the recommended clans, clan, and profile screens. More diverse symbols, backgrounds, and colors will be added in the future.
- Clan News
- Clan member registration and leave histories can be checked through the new Clan News feature on the clan screen. Clan News will continue to be worked on to include more diverse clan activities in the future.
- Division of Clan Introduction and Notices
- Originally, the clan introduction and notices were displayed as one. They have now been separated so that they can each be written and prepared separately.
- Other Changes
- The following restrictions have been implemented to prevent reckless clan creation:
- Clans can now only be created by players with Level 5 accounts or higher.
- The cost of creating a clan will be 10,000 BP.
- If you leave or disband a clan, you will be able to join or create a new clan after 2 hours.
- Survivors who have yet to join a clan will receive a pop-up message about clan registration after their first match in order to encourage clan membership.
Store Updates
- BP Refunds for Duplicate Items Update
- The amount of BP received from duplicate Ultimate-ranked (red) items from random boxes has been increased from 300 BP to 500 BP.
Expired Crate Tickets (Updated on Feb .10)
- Crate Tickets will now automatically be converted to Chicken Medals once they expire.
- A pop-up notification will appear when any Crate Tickets are converted.
- If you are logged into the game when a Crate Ticket expires, they will be converted into Chicken Medals the next time you log in.
Linked Platform Added: Twitter
You can now use your Twitter account to log into NEW STATE MOBILE!
Viewing Profile Images
You can now check other players' profile images by expanding the image.
- Tap the [Enlarge] button on another player's profile image to expand the image.
Rank Screen
The output method on the Rank screen has been improved so that you can now check the top 500 players.
- Players who are in the top 1000 will have their current ranking displayed as a number and not as a percentage.
Chat Message Alerts
The friend chat information displayed in the Lobby will now include the name of the player who sent the message.
New Defeat Motion Options
You can now choose a defeat motion in the Settings.
- Go to [Settings > Graphics > Graphics > Defeat Motion] and choose between [Default] and [Optimized].
- Default: Displays a more natural death animation.
- Optimized: Displays a set animation for improved performance.
- When [Optimized Motion] is selected, frame drops during combat will partially improve.
We are constantly working to look into and improve optimization on low-spec devices. We appreciate and continue to ask for your feedback as your reports are very helpful to us.
Other Improvements
- Preferred Language UI Display Improvements
- The Map Settings UI has been improved so that Preferred Language Match Settings can be checked more easily.
- Tooltip Feature Improvements
- The delay that occurred when you press and hold to check information on the tooltip has been improved so that item details can be checked more easily.
- Before: The tooltip could be checked only after it was pressed and held for a certain period of time, and closed when the hold was released.
- After: The tooltip can be checked as soon as the item is tapped.
- Loading Tips and Image Updates
- New loading screens have been added.
- You can check out mode descriptions and gameplay tips on these new loading screens.
- Guide Tutorial Added
- Tutorials on the core controls and rules of Battle Royale, Team Deathmatch, and Round Deathmatch have been added.
Improvements to Intermittent FPS Drops
- By improving the rendering method of world objects, intermittent FPS drops that caused screen stuttering has been partly improved.
We are constantly working to look into and improve optimization on low-spec devices. We appreciate and continue to ask for your feedback as your reports are very helpful to us. |
- General
- Fixed an issue where switching to the home screen while falling (after exiting the plane), then returning to the game after landing would cause character models to appear abnormally
- Fixed an issue where switching out of the game app after opening your parachute would cause the [Follow] function to stop working
- Fixed an issue where enemies could not be seen even in the last Blue Zone phase.
- BR: Extreme
- Fixed an issue where the Restricted Zone countdown alert message did not disappear even after entering the Playzone.
- Fixed an issue where items and vehicles would spawn in Restricted Zones.
- Erangel
- Fixed an issue where the stairs in certain buildings would appear abnormally when looking at them from certain angles.
- Fixed an issue where some buildings would be buried in the ground.
- Fixed an issue where objects in certain areas would be floating in midair.
- Fixed an issue where the door and the wall would overlap in some buildings.
- Troi
- Fixed an issue where players could clip through certain parts of the hills in Chester.
- Fixed an issue where grass would render in certain buildings in the Trailer Park.
- Fixed an issue where the cotton fields seen on the minimap would be different from the actual cotton fields
- Fixed an issue where terrain features were marked differently on the minimap.
- Fixed an issue where the light reflecting off objects near fences would appear abnormally
- Fixed an issue where terrain objects that were not marked on the map would be visible.
- Drums will no longer spawn inside certain sheds.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't fire weapons through gaps between certain terrain features or empty spaces under tables
- The ground next to certain octagonal pavilions has been flattened.
- Fixed an issue where ADSing while using a scope with 3x magnification or higher would cause the screen to darken
- Fixed an issue where the shadows cast by the sunlight would appear too dark
- Fixed an issue where terrain features would not appear at certain distances
Team Deathmatch (TDM)
- Fixed an issue where items dropped while on standby would remain (on the ground) after the wait time ends
- Fixed an issue when entering a TDM match where characters would spawn on top of one another, making them unable to move during the wait time
- Fixed an issue where players who were not on your team would appear on the teammate list
- Fixed an issue where excessive light effects would appear around players
- Fixed an issue where weapons would appear abnormally if picked up after defeating the original user
- Gameplay
- Fixed an issue where being close to a vehicle parked on an incline would cause the camera to zoom in
- Fixed an issue where tapping [Drive] near a vehicle would place you in the passenger seat
- Fixed an issue where players would be placed in an incorrect location when exiting a vehicle
- Fixed an issue where players could not get out of a vehicle if there was an obstacle to the left, right, or on top of it
- Controls
- Fixed an issue where performing a combat roll in a certain way to roll off the railings of a tall building would allow you to skip the fall animation
- Fixed an issue where the parkour animation occurs in midair if the obstacle is destroyed while parkouring
- Fixed an issue where you would stop ADSing when firing your weapon while having [Automatically Switch to Scope Mode when Peeking] enabled as well has setting [Sniper Rifle Firing Mode] to [RELEASE]
- Fixed an issue with the gyroscope where the crosshairs would move when your device was placed on a flat surface
- Fixed an issue where players could rotate the screen when holding the [Parkour] button
- Gunplay
- Fixed an issue with the M416 where the Laser Sight did not align with the actual aiming point when using the gun in the passenger seat of a moving vehicle
- Fixed an issue where the teammate UI did not appear in Squad Mode if you queued for the round on your own
- Fixed an issue where the "Unable to use item." error message would not appear if you do a specific action while using an item
- Fixed an issue where the "Emote cannot be used." message did not display correctly.
- Fixed an issue where a pink screen effect would appear right after a Volta exploded
- Fixed an issue where the light sources would be too bright and the sky appeared to be fragmented
- Fixed an issue where lights would appear incorrectly on certain devices
- Fixed an issue where vehicle textures would appear abnormally at certain distances
- Fixed an issue where ADSing after setting Scope & Shoulder Mode to [COMBINE BUTTONS] would cause you to only shoulder your weapon
- Fixed an issue where standard vehicle UI settings would appear instead of players' customized vehicle UI settings in FPP mode
- Fixed an issue where saving vehicle customization settings and then leaving the screen would cause another save alert notification to appear
- Fixed an issue where selecting a Loot Box after customizing controls would cause the Loot Box UI to move randomly
- Fixed an issue where voice chat settings from the previous session would not be maintained in the next session
- Fixed an issue where the audio would stutter intermittently
- Fixed an issue where downloads would stop midway through.
- Fixed an issue with resource patches where the patch size and the actual download size would be different
- Fixed an issue where you could not download content when connected to a cellular data network
- Fixed an issue where you could not view another player's profile when accessing their profile from your [Statistics] or [Career Results] screen
- Fixed an issue where characters would not be displayed in your or another player's [Profile] screens when accessing the profile from the [Level Rewards] screen
- Fixed an issue where you could not view a friend's profile when accessing their profile through the [Statistics] or [Career Results] screen
- Fixed an issue where accessing another player's profile from the [Statistics] screen would cause the stats to display incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where where repeatedly opening and closing the [Profile] and [Recieve Level Rewards] screens would cause the character to display across the entire [Statistics] screen
- Fixed an issue where the buttons in the [Pass > Daily/Weekly Missions] screen would be unresponsive
- Fixed an issue where the Lobby emote icon would be displayed in a very large size
- Fixed an issue where your team would perform a team emote previously used by another teammate when you returned to the Lobby from another screen
- Fixed an issue where a teammate would perform a solo emote they just used when you returned to the Lobby from another screen
- Fixed an issue where opening the Inventory right before a teammate completed an emote and then returning to the Lobby would cause them to perform the emote again
- Fixed an issue where the graphs in the [Statistics] screen would display incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where the graphs would display incorrectly when comparing your stats with a friend's on the [Statistics] screen
- Fixed an issue where the [Crystal Fire - Beryl M762] would be displayed abnormally in the [Match Results] screen
- Fixed an issue where the "Unstable connection." notification could be seen right before the Match Results screen appeared at the end of a match
- Fixed an issue where the name of the [Season 1 Conquerer Profile Frame] was incorrectly displayed as [Pre-season Conqueror Profile Frame]
Costumes & Skins
- Fixed an issue where equipping [GLC] Ben Brown's character costume (from Survivor Pass Vol. 3) would cause a space to appear between the character's head and neck
- Fixed an issue where riding a vehicle while wearing the [Snow Fairy Dress] costume would cause it to display abnormally
- The [Rimac Mask (White)] and [Rimac Mask (Black)] costumes have been changed to single-slot items.
- Fixed an issue where the [Cow Print Jacket (Black)] costume was not visible in the inventory
- Fixed an issue where equipping certain gloves would cause the hands and wrists to look detached
- Fixed an issue where ADSing with the [Bloodlust - SLR] weapon skin equipped would cause the POV value of the red dot sight to be set incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where you would move through your bag if it had the [Skull Spider Keychain] attached
- Localized the notifications alerting players that recovery items cannot be used in the water
- Fixed an issue where the term "Desertion" in [Career Results] screen was not translated in certain languages
- Fixed an issue with the in-game UI where the terms [Trunk], [Exit], and [Drone Credits] appeared in Korean
- Fixed an issue where the title of the [Collection] screen appeared in English regardless of the language settings
- [Arabic] Fixed an issue where item names that contain Arabic letters would be right-aligned
[German] Fixed an issue where a pop-up that appears when you first open the game contained a spelling error- [German/Russian] Fixed an issue where the Terms of Service for Refunds would be displayed incorrectly
- [Japanese] Fixed an issue where the minute and minute value were displayed in the incorrect order
- [Japanese] Fixed an issue where the [Auto] button text would extend past the button when using a gun with full-auto mode available
- [Japanese] Fixed an issue where the message that appeared when a user was banned had the date displayed as DD/MM/YYYY instead of YYYY/MM/DD
[Korean] Fixed an issue where the error notification when customizing a gun while reloading was displayed in English- [Korean] Fixed an issue where the Passenger Count appeared in English while in the plane
- [Korean] Fixed an issue where English text was displayed if you flew a Recon Drone too high
- [Korean] Fixed an issue where the "Unable to go prone." error notification was displayed in English
- [Korean] Fixed an issue where the title of the [Trunk Inventory] window was displayed in English
- [Korean] Fixed an issue where the error notification was displayed in English when an invalid item was selected in the Recovery Item Selection UI or the Throwables Selection UI.
- Fixed an issue where the "Server not responding. Please try again later." notification appear continuously